
The firm primarily focusses on tax advisory services.

– Taxation of wages for expatriates: issues related to the international mobility of employees, tax consequences of a transfer of residence (professional secondment, start of a position abroad).

Taxation of performance shares – analysis of the tax regime applicable to stock options, RSU, free shares in an international context (determination of the taxable gain in each country in the event of various assignments abroad). 

International taxation – determination of the taxation right as per the countries and categories of income at stake: analysis of situations conforming to tax treaties (examples:  French pensions received by a German resident, American rents received by a German resident, German property income received by a French resident).

Transfer of assets: taxation of inheritance cases in an international context (example: testator resident of France, heir in Germany), structuring and optimisation of donations, opportunity to draw up a will.

Real estate taxation: assistance in the context of a real estate purchase or rental, taxation of property income, taxation of resale of immovable property.

Taxation of companies and entrepreneurial businesses: determination of the most suitable structure for carrying out one’s economic/professional activity and analysis of the applicable tax regime (opening of a shop, creation of a freelance activity).


VAT: analysis of the VAT regime applicable to the operations carried out (determination of the place of taxation, of the person liable for VAT, identification obligations in the various Member States of the European Union), assistance in the choice of the entrepreneur’s VAT status (small business regime, “Kleinunternehmer”), optimisation of input VAT deduction rights.

The firm provides assistance to individuals and companies in disputes with the tax authorities at all stages of the procedure.

– Litigation claims and appeals
– Assistance and support in the context of a tax audit
– Regularization of foreign accounts

Our firm assists you in the preparation and submission of all your German and French tax returns, both for individuals and for companies.

– Individuals

  • Income tax returns
  • Inheritance tax returns
  • Gift tax returns
  • IFI returns (France)

– Companies

  • Corporate tax returns
  • Periodic VAT returns and annual return (for Germany)
  • Trade in goods declarations (DEB) and Intrastat 
  • Summary statements of services / sales of goods (“Zusammenfassende Meldungen”)

Assistance on all legal matters

Depending on the needs of the clients, the firm can assist in civil and commercial litigation.


– Acquisition and management of real estate

The firm assists in the acquisition and/or management of real estate.

With regard to the purchase of real estate, the firm provides assistance in understanding the notarial deeds to be signed and the rules applicable to the transfer of ownership under civil law (in Germany and in France).

  • Drafting and/or reviewing leases (it may be required to have bilingual contracts in order to avoid litigation).
  • Reviewing your contracts related to real estate acquisition.
